Another day of posturing and 1970s patriotic songs.Another day of parades.If Mahatma Gandhi was responsible for India's independence from the British,then he was responsible for the adamant elevation of Pandit Nehru to Prime ministership,consequent alienation of Jinnah and the shadow cast by Pakistan that has stayed more or less menacing for 60 years.
Disappointing are statements by the RSS chief regarding rights of women and just shows how 18th century the self appointed keepers of the nation's religious morality are be they Hindu or Muslim.I always believed that the RSS with their morning exercises and the reading of patriotic literature were providing a good framework to the youth but alas the thoughts have killed all the hope.
The BJP till yesterday insisted on making Gadkari the chief despite allegations of financial skullduggery.Just goes to show that the country has a political choice between the corrupt and the corrupt...!!The same party when in government released terrorists,the Defence minister flew with them to Kabul to ensure they reached safely!Its the same Masood Azhar and Zargar who killed more indian Soldiers.Today they talk of a head for a head?Let every young Indian serve 2 years in the Army to understand what its like to not only love ones country but to prove it as well.
I feel proud that despite the dirty streets,indisciplined traffic etc we are being talked about as a new power nation.Yet there is no belief....most people would immigrate to any of the western countries if given a chance.Many die taking illegal routes and the ones who survive end up being 3rd class citizens of a country that they have no links to.
The Irish brothers of the Order of St.Mary's who taught me in the school of the same name knew more about India and gave more to the country than a lot of Indians.We talk of selflessness yet dont mind jumping the queue if that gives us an advantage.The hypocrisy has become inherent.And that truly is immoral.
I am proud because I am sure the US or Europe would not be able to provide social security if they had One Billion citizens?Our government and our systems are robust but until the average guy in the street starts believing in the country,we do not have a chance of being a great country.
The resources are there and so is the intellect.But a strange lethargy pervades the thinking,a lacunae so vast that it has the potential to derail growth,GDP what have you.
The British did us a service(Nirad C Chadhuri has put it succintly)by uniting a land riven by Rajas and protectorates.Sixty years on regional parochialism is creeping back.Let us remember the stirring tales of sacrifice in the successive war of independence,China,Pakistan and Bangladesh, the wars of 1962,1965 and 1971 where casteism and religion were discarded for Nationalism.Right now we need a young Atal Behari Vajpayee or a young Manmohan Singh to lead the country's rapidlily discredited politicians.
But most Indians would know thats an oxymoron!
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