Friday, October 26, 2012

What We Live For?

"Don't have career or academic goals!!Set goals to give you a balanced,successful Life.I use the word balanced BEFORE successful.Balanced means ensuing your health,relationships,mental peace are all in good order.
There is no point in getting a promotion on the day you breakup.There is no point in driving a fancy car if your back hurts.Shopping is not enjoyable if your mind is tense.Life is one of those races in kindergarten where you run with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth!If the marble falls there is no point in coming first!!Same is with life where health and relationships are that marble.
Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in your life,else you may achieve success,but this spark,this feeling of being excited and alive,will start to die.
One thing about nurturing the spark -  don't take Life seriously.Life is not meant to be taken seriously,as we are really tem.porary here!Like a prepaid card with limited validity!If we are lucky we may last another 50 years.And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends.Do we really need to get so worked up?
Its OK to bunk a few classes,goof up a few interviews,take leave from work,fall in love,fight with the spouse.We are people not programmed devices...DONT BE SERIOUS...BE SINCERE!!"
- a quote from a speech by an Indian author(whose works I dont read!!)

In a nutshell,brilliantly diluted unadulterated essense on life.We dont need a Deepak Chopra to expostulate on this and the advise is absolutely free!
I am sure we at some point in life think exactly like its been put above but somewhere during the ratrace we are unable to hold onto this fact.We rage,fight,get into petty jealousies.......and all for what?
For years I dreamt of going to my ancestral home in Punjab,a house lying shuttered and closed for almost two decades....I see my cousins living in London,San Francisco and I know they will never know the joys of a simple Indian village ever in their lives.For them a pub in James Street is all they need to de-stress.
I,who have gone there on and off over my growing years find it difficult to give it more than a week and its only alive in what I remember of my grandmother's tales.That is also Life.....the place where you live envelopes you in its culture and its almost impossible to be a or live in  unknown places because they dont give you that joi d'vivre.
So the walk on misty winter evenings amidst the lush wheat or mustard fields,bathing in the ice cold water of the irrigation canals and riding lazy buffalo carts remains matrix like in a closed part of my mind....that I let out to air at times and it makes me feel happy.Finito.