"Twenty years from today you will be more disappointed by the things
you did not do,so sail away from safe harbours
Explore,Dream,Discover." - Mark Twain
"The Voyage of Discovery is not in seeking new landscapes,but in having new Eyes".Proust.
you did not do,so sail away from safe harbours
Explore,Dream,Discover." - Mark Twain
I used to be mortally afraid of water in my teens.One day as a challenge I enrolled myself for swimming classes.I went with my neighbours sons and the minute the trainer asked us to take a deep breathe and go under water,I panicked.Only ONE thing stopped me from running away.The thought of having to live with the shame of showing fear!!Ego won that day and the result was in the gruelling summers there is no better relaxation I feel than going for a long swim.
What facilities lie inside you you do not know.When you draw out each breath under water one realises the significance.To understand Yoga you need to swim.Draw breath and see the bubbles rise.Let it all go at once and nothing left but to rise to the surface.Learn to hold your strength and prolong the time to stay where you are.
Some do it with hallucigens!Its the search to separate the soul from Life itself.As Siddhartha himself.Seeing rest as the completion of a mission.Death itself the aim.The daily striving means that one is alive.To feel hurt is to say that emotion is alive.Its to ask that ONE eternal question,'Who Am I?"
What Am I?just follows.Most never find the time in their lives to ask themself.Some do but lose the thread along the way.A few are truly afraid to ask and surround themselves with noise to drown out their daemon.
In History the first example of daemon is in the writings of Alexander the Great.He who was controlled by his daemon to keep pressing.His senses were in finding new horizons .Soul or Atma,whatever the case may be,sometimes one feels born to do something.Even amoungst the billions on this planet each one is born to do something that they can do better than anyone else on earth.The success is in finding that elusive "WHAT".
What is difficult is letting go....just not thinking about things that need doing.Can we change the circumstances?Can we control the environment?Can we determine the ultimate result?
We tell our children not to waste time.Truly is anything a waste?Sitting alone on a bugyal in Garwhal Himalayas smelling the myriad orchids,lianas in full bloom and watching the bees sift from flower to flower might be a waste of time for me the equities trader,missing out on capitalizing profits?There are other traders but knowing that you may never again be in that moment or pass that way...is that a waste?
Wouldn't Life be boring if everything was predetermined as the Godmen would have us believe.Knowing that there is nothing you could do to change an outcome.Its the unpredictablity of Life that makes it so interesting.
Those who got swept away by the glacial floods at Kedarnath would not have known that there wont be another morning for them.Longterm plans,empty wishes.
"The Voyage of Discovery is not in seeking new landscapes,but in having new Eyes".Proust.
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