Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Ghettoisation of Islam

The World is at War.The conflict acquired a religious undertone ever since 9/11 happened,but the seeds were sown much before that during the Russian-Afghanisthan guerrilla war.Driving the infidels out was the primary reason for throwing out the Russians although the CIA did not realise that they themselves fell into that category.

I realised on my travels to the middleeast how strict the muslims were on the entry of idols into their country when mine were seized and thrown away at Riyadh airport though I have never been a seriously religious person.The realization was that Islam and its zealots have preserved the conservative teachings since the 8th Century when it emerged from the sands of Arabia.

There is an inherent contradiction in a religion that says that there is one true god and their person is the only prophet.It leaves no lacunae for accepting any other school of thought.I have not heard of any reformers who have modified or had the strength to break the codes?

Across India I see even the so called moderates keeping beards and moving into areas that have a majority of their own kind, especially after freedom they enjoy in Europe and the US their own countries are not open to  allowing equality to other religions!

There has never been a muslim 'middleclass' as such and only the dictatorships in Iraq,Libya etc tried to put on a modern face.India and Hinduism which embraced different cultures and religions over centuries is facing a difficult time trying to pacify a minority that is bent on fencing itself off and none of the Mullahs preaching tolerance.

No wonder they feel persecuted and only Islamic republics would give them satisfaction.Yet the divide within the religion between Shia,Sunni,Ahmadiyas etc and the violenent way chosen to resolve their issues viz.the riots in Sind,Karachi never truly fullfilled the idea of a Pakistan.

Maybe in India they might grouse but what about the west with its faith in human rights and fifth amendments etc,why the anger against Christianity?If an Islamic Caliphate was the answer then the attempt to convert should have been through dialogue and not by the sword.It might be controversial but I feel that Islam has not adapted to the modern world....and the mullahs are in no mood to oblige.


  1. if u do your due dilligence.islam itself is a modern religion,though with strict rules.Just like any ruler will rule a country will have sets of strict compliance and government what is more when insight of a religion.Many of my non-muslim friends have fallen in love with Islam religion if only the world knew whats insight of this religion of purity,peace and justice.Separate race from religion,the world see muslims as in Arab world.Arab world is arab..has nothing to do with Islam sincerity,purity,peaceful the insights is so beautiful...

    1. Appreciate your words,just that the people I met did not have the breadth of vision to appreciate another religion,be it Hinduism,Christianity,neither do they have the patience to understand that there are myriad forms of cultures across the world and they necessarily do not have to conform to Islamic precepts!
      ALSO no one I met who empathised with a different community?If Islam is the only true religion then are the others 2ns class citizens?
