The more one becomes Modern the more primitive one wants to be.Where once we ran after mobile telephony,emails,24*7 connectivity,we now want that small pause from being connected at all times,from being available to office at all hours,firefighting.
Time.The thing that has many definitions.But its one thing that cannot be put on 'pause'.It cannot be slowed down,at least not on Earth and not within the grounds of 'gravity'.
What we abhored is what we now desire.Privacy.The luxury of being away from 'breaking news' at all times.So how did this pursuit if happiness change over the last three decades?
Everyone seems to be having one foot outside the bounds of sanity.Travelling on the subway sometimes I watch the harried faces always trying to be 'cool',all knowing,skittish,scheming to have the last word.So what keeps one sane?
I think most of us in our regular lives almost daily cross the fine line between sanity and insanity.What pulls most back into the green is the deja`vu of the set routines,those infinitesimal positives that generate hope.
The demagogue inspires but also defeats the purpose of communication.Because to them only what they say is right and all that matters.When you can obliviate the other's viewpoint,then and only then are you truly sunk.The small implosions define who we are and what matters.
If I only believed that I am the only one with the divine right to live or speak or in my faith then incidents like Dhaka will be repeated with more frequency in the coming years.This suspension of belief that other people with different outlooks too may be right is what defined Hitler and the what best describes the Islamists.
Mr Shekhar Kapoor,a very erudite film maker tweeted that this killing or the hundreds preceding it in California,Texas,Baghdad,Tel Aviv,Jerusalem,Hyderabad or Mumbai is not what the majority muslim view of Islam is.
On this the holy day of Eid I say,if the majority did not nod their silent heads silently or not weed out the killers of innocent amoungst them,then this radical islam would not have had the nourishment required to become the Hydra it has become!
Will the 'good'muslims kill the 'bad'muslims?Will the good ones become extinct?
What is certain however is the road to medievalism beckons.Until the humanity inside each one of us screams out there is no doubt that there will be many more Dhakas,pointless,anarchic but very much a symbol of modern man's quest for its primitive roots.