Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Breath of God?

Do you know that you breath the same air that was inhaled or exhaled by The Buddha?Yes the inert argon atoms in the atmosphere are the same ones and will be for all those who came before us and those who will come after.
The Vedas  state that nothing is created and nothing destroyed.It just changes shape.The atmosphere holds everything in the same proportion.The atoms interact with each other.Is the outer body experience that some go through a primordial instinct of the big Bang theory.Of creation itself?
Not till Galileo proved that the earth moved round the sun and not vice versa did the west accept this theory.The eastern ascetics have always known.For Vishnu 4 billion years are but the blink of an eye.A moment like millions of other moments.Isn't that cosmic time?

Listen to what the late Carl Sagan said:

The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths.

It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.”

It is generally accepted that its dificult for westerners to grasp nonlinear concepts.The cycle of birth and death.Don't the atoms remain .Aint our bodies made up of atoms?Give up your cravings,let the soul control the body and thereby its actions-did the Buddha not preach that as a basic tenet of his 8 fold Path.The Hindu mystics around the dawn of civilization said the same things only in a different manner.

On this Earth Do Stand I
Set me O Earth,amidst thy nourishing strength
The Earth is my Mother
Its Child I am                                                     - Atharveda

Alexander could have said this,so could Nebuchanezzar,Chengiz Khan or Ashoka The Great.
What is electricity.Isnt that Life itself?All the functions in our bodies are made up of electric impulses that fire with specific codes that guide our actions.The scientists can quantify electricity,show us its composition.But can anyone say what electicity is derived off?Isnt electricity the name for Lord Shiva,the Hindu god of preservation and destruction?Does it not give us fire to mould things as well as having the capacity to destroy.
In the begining lies the end.Life begins with a child and ends with old age.We know the ions and atoms will decay with time and some others will take their place.The same things in a different form.
The Sadhus have aimed to control their joys,sorrows,wants,likes,dislikes.Separating the soul from the ego.We say we are neutral or impartial.Truly?Dont those infinitesimal beliefs of colour,religion,caste caste a pale shadow?

An ignorant man is lost, faithless, and filled with self-doubt;
A soul that harbors doubt has no joy, not in this world or the next."
                                                                                                                      - Bhagavad Gita 4:40

Who is qualified to judge the ignorant man?

Not I.

The God is the Universe.We are part of this universe.No wonder no one has seen God because he truly resides within these atoms that make up what constitutes US.WE the People.
It is not a benevolent God.It shakes,is riven with faults,feels slighted,gets hurt,feels insulted.Because its us.
Balance.Balance between war and peace.love and hate.eat too much salt and you get hypertension.Eat too little and get hormonal imbalances,calcium deficiency.Raze trees,burn and slash the mountains and the mountains start to fall as landslides.

Every religion in its own way teaches BALANCE.To create a state where pain does not hurt too much and joy does not cause too much glee.Some feel meditation is the way or Yoga or the pursuit of money.Each path has its success and an exhaustible capacity to fulfill.The milestones are inside our head.

This is Zen.This is Tao.This is Catholicism.This is the way of Sikhism.Divinity is ours if only we can listen to our daemon.